Fat Freddy’s Drop

Fat Freddy’s Drop

So much love was in the air last night in Camden, so many beautiful people under one roof, generating a vibe I’ll remember for some time.

Fat Freddy’s Drop have been on my playlist since May when we were introduced to them by Kathy and Jon, a lovely couple from the Bearded Theory/Sheffield friends group that we count ourselves blessed to be a part of. They said we’d like them, and they weren’t wrong.

Fat Freddy’s Drop were on the final leg of their European winter tour who took to the stage with so much confidence and energy.

Given their age, I was surprised to see just how young the audience was. And old, from teens to people in their mid seventies.

They covered every inch of the stage as well as popping up behind us at the sound deck.

Some new stuff tonight, but they knew that the audience wanted some of their classics and they didn’t disappoint! The intro to Wandering Eye was pure class!

We all left with beaming smiles wanting more. What a top night. And a Sunday too!

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